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I finally played EB and am very intrigued however I'm really curious about the adventure generation in the book. I understand the rules and failed careers but it's the adventure generation that piques my interest and why I'm hmmming and hawing about buying.

Was there a... question in there, somewhere?


I can't recall now. I did finally buy ItO but EB remains on the sidelines until I get a better grasp on adventures for it. I primarily run monthly one-shots and at various conventions so I need everything tidy in a four hour slot for players who haven't played it.


So I first heard about this game from one of my friends and all of it's absurdities and needed to know more and since then I have LOVED Electric Bastionland/Into the Odd!
(Still trying to get my group to play it, already made a plot of a robot stealing parts of people just need to actually do the game..)

But I was so happy to talk about this game on my TTRPG exploration podcast and spread the word of this game!


The setting reminds me of the Gormenghast Trilogy by Mervyn Peake, especially the city in Titus Alone.


Are there bookmarks in the pdf?


No, disappointingly there are not. It really bothers me when large PDFs aren't bookmarked. This should be standard practice.


Following this I was able to get bookmarks added to my PDF.


Is it possible to play it solo?


I believe almost anything is possible to play solo if you try hard enough. The diference is does the game supports it in any way. Electric bastion does not. But instead of the lore it gives principles with which it is easy to improvise on the fly. I am not sure how traps are supposed to work in solo play.


You'd have to bring your own Solo Gaming oracle of choice to the table, but yes.

(3 edits) (+12)(-4)

Hey! I picked up a copy of the free edition for a $5 donation without reading that only 10 failed careers were included. Is there anyway to credit this toward a full copy? I'm an essential healthcare worker,  and my wife and I are both high risk patients as well, so money has been real tight lately.

I love the way you talk about accessibilityfor new players. You've been a real inspiration for my design work.

///UPDATE///The support team sorted me out! Thanks again for the book @~@


Hi Chris. I just bought a used copy of Electric Bastionland and I'm very excited about giving it a try. I want to try using it as a solo rpg, simply out of necessity as I have no one to play with. Would you be willing to offer any advice on how to play it solo? thanks! Michael

Chris, I heard you say on a podcast or YouTube recently that you still had some had some physical copies available. If so, where could I get one? Thank you.

Hi. They're available at and if you're in the US then Exalted Funeral have some stock that might work out cheaper with postage.

Brilliant. Thank you!

Deleted 2 years ago

Hi Pinkosock,

I wasn't contacted about that bundle, but I contributed an adventure to Dissident Whispers, which you can buy over at